Saturday 23 August 2008

American Lung Association Offers Parents Seven "Back To School" Tips For Kids With Asthma

�Nearly 11% of children headed back to schoolhouse this descend have asthma attack. Annually, school aged children with bronchial asthma miss but under 13 million years in the classroom qualification asthma related illness ane of the most common reasons kids are absent from schooling. The American Lung Association offers parents a septet step checklist to insure a safe and level-headed school class for children who suffer from this sometimes debilitating disease.

To minimize asthma's grip on this school year forward, parents mustiness first be aware that per governance regulation, manufacturers are phasing out production of a common type of proventil inhaler, frequently called a CFC inhaler. By December 31, 2008, CFC inhalers will not be uncommitted to the consumer public and volition be replaced by an HFA inhaler.

The FDA has set up that HFA inhalers ar safe and just as effective as their CFC counterparts. One significant difference is that HFA inhalers do not contain ozone-depleting chemicals establish in CFC inhalers.

"Some kids power find their new inhaler has a slightly different taste or feel," aforementioned Norman Edelman, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the American Lung Association. "Also be cognizant that your pharmacy won't be able to simply substitute the new HFA inhaler for your existing CFC inhalator prescription. Your child's doctor will demand to write a new prescription."

"It is also important for parents to confer with their child's doctor to ensure each of their asthma prescriptions are current and are best managing the child's symptoms. This should be done at least once a class." Dr. Edelman added.

In preparation for the school year ahead, the American Lung Association also urges parents wHO have children with asthma attack complete the following checklist:

- Schedule Asthma Check-up Doctor's Appointment

Even if your child's asthma is well managed, programming a check up with your pediatrician is critical to ensuring your child's asthma continues to be effectively controlled. This is also an opportunity to evaluate medications and physical activity restrictions.

- Confirm Medicines Are Up-to-Date and Fill Prescriptions

If your child uses an inhaler, ensure you have a current prescription for an HFA inhaler. Check your medicine cabinet to control your child's asthma prescriptions have sufficient refills available and hold not expired.

- Know About Prescription Assistance Services

No unitary should experience to do without their asthma medications because of financial need. Two organizations are available to facilitate. The Partnership for Prescription Assistance canful be reached by vocation 1-888-4PPA-NOW. Rx Outreach too provides entropy on their website: hypertext transfer protocol://

- Asthma Action Plan

All students with asthma should have a written Asthma Action Plan that details personal information about the child's bronchial asthma symptoms, medications, any physical activity limitations and provides specific instruction manual about what to do if an asthma attack does non improve with prescribed medication.

- Visit Your Child's School Nurse and Teachers

All of the student's teachers, coaches, as well as the school nurse and/or agency should have a flow copy of their Asthma Action Plan. Discuss with your child's teachers specific triggers and typical symptoms so that they prat be disposed to effectively assist your child should an asthma attack attack hap during the school daytime.

- Advocate for Your Child

It is as well important to learn if your child's school allows students to carry and independently administer their bronchial asthma medication. Some schools command students to carry a note from their doctor. Learn what steps motive to be taken to have your child carry and role their inhalator if recommended by their doctor.

- Know Your School's Asthma Emergency Plan

Ensure that your child's school knows how to contact you in case of an emergency. It is too important for parents to know the school's yesteryear history of dealing with asthma episodes. Parents should confirm that school staff including after-school coaches and bus drivers have been trained in responding to asthma emergencies.

About the American Lung Association

Beginning our second base century, the American Lung Association is the preeminent organization operative to preclude lung disease and encourage lung health. Lung disease death rates are currently increasing piece other major causes of death are declining. The American Lung Association finances vital research on the causes of and treatments for lung disease. With the generous support of the public, the American Lung Association is "Improving life, ane breath at a fourth dimension." For more information around the American Lung Association or to support the work it does, call 1-800-LUNG-USA (1-800-586-4872) or log on to

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